World Liberation Worship Center (WLWC)
'Where god is god'

Encounter Christ In

Worship & Grow Relationships

World Liberation Worship Center (Church) is one of the arms of world Liberation Ministries Inc. started in November 2016. This arm is where lives are touched, raised & empowered to reach others for Jesus. This church has a Liberation Mandate (Liberation of Spirit, Soul & body from sin, Satan, ignorance, Sickness Poverty & anything that is meant to stop people from fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives).

Church Vision & Mission

“I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4.

World Liberation Worship Center fulfills its God-given assignment through the mandate
of Liberation for the spirit, soul, and body of man with the message of the kingdom, practical love of the kingdom,
and demonstration of the Spirit and Power through the following:

We teach based on the Word, God, and Spirit. Our teachings are practical, kingdom, and Christ oriented. Luke 5:17, II Corinthians 3:4-6.
We preach God’s Word with power and demonstration of the Spirit. The seed of the Word is planted in people’s hearts that can renew and transform their lives. II Corinthians 4:2
We minister healing for physical illnesses, diseases, and deliverances through the Word, prayer of faith, demonstration of the Spirit and scriptural related counseling where necessary for individuals suffering from mental, emotional, and spiritual oppression. Isaiah 61:1-3.
Our worship allows us to enter the presence of God in spirit and truth. A time of true experience that incorporates the whole person – spiritual, mental, and physical. Ephesians 5:18-20, John 4:23-24.
We provide discipleship training so that the people of God may learn how to walk, grow, and conform into the image of Jesus through one-on-one meetings, group settings and others. Mark 3:13-15, I Corinthians 11:1, Matthew 4:19, Matthew 11:28-30.
We provide the people of God with opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to win souls to the Kingdom of God, in addition to providing opportunities for people to touch our community through diverse outreach programs. Luke 10:1-2.
We are the family of God. We offer opportunities for fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ so that believers may unite with one another through activities and events that enhance peace, rest, healing, and restoration.
We encourage growth and development. We give people the opportunity to develop their skills as leaders so that they can fully use their time and talents in service to God.
We offer people the opportunity to volunteer their time and talents through outreaches and activities that will increase and strengthen the body of Christ.